
                                                               Homework Term 4 Week 5
                                                              Homework Term 4 Week 4


                                                                 Homework Term 4 Week 3

                                                             Homework Term4 Week 2


                                                               Homework Term 3 Week 9        


                                                                 Homework Term 3 Week 8



                                                              Homework Term 3 Week 7

                                                            Homework Term 3 Week 6

 Homework Term 3 Week 4

Homework Term 3

Homework Term 3 Week 2

Homework Term 3 Week 1

Homework Term 2 Week 7
Homework Term2 Week 6

Homework Term 2 Week 5

Homework Term 2 Week 4
Homework Term2 Week3

Homework Term 2 Week 2

Homework will begin in week 3.  An outline of what homework will consist of is below.

Home Reading
ü  Daily reading to an adult at home. 
ü  A home reader will be sent home each night.  Children must return their previous home reader and parents are to initial the Home Reading Record before new books are received.
ü  Talk about pictures, plot, characters, setting and patterns in the story.  For more information on how to effectively help your child with reading there is some information on our class blog on the downloads page.
ü  It is important to remember that the Home Reading program is the top priority in homework.

Sight Words
ü  Your child will be given a Sight Word Booklet which is made up of different coloured lists that make up the 200 most commonly used and read words.  These are POPCORN WORDS - they must be recognised and said as soon as they are seen.  All words in the list must be said like popcorn in order to move on to the next coloured list.  
ü  Your child will be tested at school on a regular basis.  When a list is completed, they will move on to the next list.  They will receive a stamp in their booklet to let you know that your child has successfully completed a list and is ready to start practicing the next coloured list.  Please make a habit of storing the booklet in your child’s Home Folder so that it is returned to school each day.
ü  Once children have had the opportunity to study new sight words, games are a fun, hands on way to help strengthen their retention.  Use the links on our Downloads page to access the Sight Word Lists and create flash cards to play games with.

Homework Tasks
ü  Homework is uploaded to our blog every Monday.  This will consist of four activities to be completed over the week and returned for marking on Friday.  These tasks are to be completed independently, but with parent supervision.  The tasks are linked to what we are learning in class. 
ü  The homework task sheet does not need to be printed.  Each task can be completed directly into the homework book.  Please help you child to divide a page in the homework book into four sections, label with homework day and complete. 

ü  This will begin in week 3.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure whats going wrong or if im the only one having troubles but I have tried Mozilla, Chrome and IE and while I can now open week 4, I cant see a week 5 option just a large space between 3 and 4. Should I maybe be using a different platform or is everyone seeing what im seeing?
